Pure Argan Oil, certified 100% organic, cold-pressed and of the best quality ‘Extra Virgin’ (EVAO) is loaded with:
- essential Fatty Acids (helps to fight skin inflammation),
- Antioxidants (protect the body from damage caused by harmful molecules - called 'free radicals'),
- Tocopherols / Vitamin E (important vitamin required for the proper function of many organs in the body. It is also an antioxidant. This means it helps to slow down processes that damage cells),
- Omega 3 and 6 are fatty acids and the "good" types of fat. They may help lower the risk of heart disease, depression, dementia, and arthritis. Your body can't make them.
EVAO - Extra Virgin Argan Oil is therefore a superb moisturizer, which absorbs quickly into the skin. Argan oil is moisturizer that instantly delivers smoothness. Compliments from mother nature: pure as can be. It comes from the Argan tree, a desert style tree that only grows in the Bio-Reserve in Morocco.
About two decades ago the oil became popular outside North-Africa and subject of more scientific research. SULA NYC has studied the results of global research on benefits and listed some of them below, using Leonardo’s famous ‘Vitruvian Man’ as illustration.

Argan Oil has been studied and proven effective for a variety of ailments of the skin: Hydration, Elasticity (Post Menopausal) and Inflammation. Not that surprising, considering the properties of Argan oil.
Promising scientific results
In the last 5 years more than 100 studies have been published in scientific magazines all around the world addressing a wide variety of issues:
chemical composition, unique phytosterols, nutritional properties and health benefits, dynamic viscosity, effect on post- menopausal skin elasticity, anti-cancer effects: breast, prostate etc.
Studies also indicate Argan oil reduces cardiovascular risks and improves surrogate markers of CardioVascular Disease (CVD) in humans.
It also has potential healthful anti-cancer properties to help fight prostate and breast cancer.
Of all the results on benefits of Argan -cosmetic and culinary- we are showcasing only one in this blog; especially of interest to patients who endure problems with metabolic syndrome (http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/health-topics/topics/ms ) or knee osteoarthritis (http://orthoinfo.aaos.org/topic.cfm?topic=a00212) .
Last December a congress paper was presented by Prof. Dr. Errasfa et al. ‘efficacy of Argan oil on pain, metabolic syndrome and oxidative stress: experiences from rheumatology and nephrology patients open new perspectives to treat other human pathologies’. (congres Arganier)
The Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy in Fez, Morocco, performed prospective controlled clinical trials, to target blood lipid modulation (’ cholesterol, triglycerides’ ), oxidative stress ( ‘imbalance between the production of free radicals and the ability of the body to counteract or detoxify their harmful effects through neutralization by antioxidants.’) and clinical effects.
Proven results and less pain
Results of Prof. Errasfa’ s study show the efficacy of Argan oil in improving metabolic syndrome and dyslipidemia (‘too high or low’ ) in patients, and for the first time, they show an effect against pain.
Also, Argan oil seems beneficial for cardio- and cerebrovascular diseases as well as cholesterol, lipid abnormalities, oxidative stress and antioxidant deficiencies.
Want to know more?
If you would like to have more info on these studies please email us at info@sulanyc.com and we will we be happy to post more information.
The benefits for Culinary Argan Oil are listed at www.culinaryarganoil.com and will also be addressed in our April blog on this website.