This month we wrote to 3 politicians to support regulations for safe, non toxic cosmetics:
Senator Kirsten Gillebrand (NY) for her initiative on S. 1014, the Personal Care Products Safety Act. Happy to learn our senator agrees we must provide the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) with expanded authority to regulate the personal care products industry in order to better protect consumer health and safety.

We also wrote to Congressmen Lance and Pallone (NJ) to improve laws banning toxic and harmful chemicals in cosmetics. Initiated by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics where we are a business member. Patricia, our CEO, used the opportunity to provide a public comment to the Pallone/Lance House Federal Cosmetic Safety Discussion Draft.
On Facebook we posted the results of a study on toxic ingredients in Halloween /Kids

We also wrote to Congressmen Lance and Pallone (NJ) to improve laws banning toxic and harmful chemicals in cosmetics. Initiated by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics where we are a business member. Patricia, our CEO, used the opportunity to provide a public comment to the Pallone/Lance House Federal Cosmetic Safety Discussion Draft.

We were invited to a UN meeting on 'Accelerating local climate and sustainability action', co-organized by the 'Subnational Climate Action Hub, UN Global Compact and the Global Taskforce for Local and Regional Governments.
Moderated by dr. David Nabarro panellists from governments, cities and a bank presented results. Key take away: explaining the impact and benefits of the Sustainable Development Goals will involve (business) communities and trigger the support. (). For cities, ISO 37120, a benchmark to sustainability is the way to go.