News – Tagged "SULA NYC" – Page 10 – SULA NYC


Exclusive Promotion in ISETAN SHINJUKU MEN's STORE, 1st Floor Cosmetics

SULA NYC JAPAN LAUNCHES NEW PRODUCTS at ISETAN SHINJUKU MEN’S STORE   SULA NYC ( will introduce its unisex natural skin care products based on pure Moroccan Argan oil, with a special promotion, starting January 15 at Isetan Shinjuku Men’s Store, First Floor, Cosmetic Corner. Isetan Shinjuku’s Cosmetic Corner is popular with health conscious, sophisticated customers, who will appreciate SULA NYC’s emphasis on natural ingredients, simplicity and ease of use. SULA NYC will have a special installation, on the Promotion Table in the Cosmetic Corner, which will symbolically express the relationship with three places --- New York, Morocco and Suriname --- which are the backbone, of this one-of-a-kind brand. We hope that our “hands on” approach will help you understand...

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Mr. Mike Bloomberg, 's worlds richest mayor and NYC's best leader met with Misao Itoh and Patricia Reinders

Invited by sr.VP Nevah Assang of NYC & Company  Patricia Reinders, CEO SULA NYC and Misao Itoh, COO SULA NYC JAPAN attended the 'thank you mr. mayor' gala event at the Met.  NYC & Company is the official marketing, tourism and partnership organization for the City of New York, dedicated to maximizing travel and tourism opportunities throughout the five boroughs, building economic prosperity and spreading the positive image of New York City worldwide. 2013 attracted 10% more visitors: 53 million.

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